Leviton + Oracle

Leviton + Oracle

A holiday message that emphasized a shared value of sustainability

The challenge: How could we turn a typical holiday gift during a competitive sales cycle with Leviton into a cohesive message?

The solution: Oracle illustrated our shared value of sustainability with a fully green holiday message that included:

  • A box featuring sustainable products to light their winter nights

  • A list of creative re-use ideas for the box itself to show our commitment to waste reduction

  • In-meeting benefit cards to capture attendee feedback in real time

  • A send-after email that reinforced themes based on what attendees said on the benefit cards

  • A tree of honor planted in each attendee’s name with a certificate delivered via email

I creative directed and wrote, Gaby Hoey art directed.

“Thank you so much. This is wonderful! All my best for a joyous holiday season.”

— Lola Guarneri, Director of IT, Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.

“Just great work here to make this special and specific to our customer! Love your work! THANK YOU!

— Kathy Nardiello, Regional Manager, Oracle


Oracle Light Touch Program